In Gdańsk, there were two places historically where executions of criminals were carried out. The first of them was on the Gallows Mountain in Wrzeszcz, near today’s Traugutta and Sobieskiego Streets. As the name suggests there was a gallows, but it was not just a simple structure made of beams, but rather a whole stone building, equipped with a high platform with stairs, on which there stood four pillars supporting six beams, where the convicts were hanged. The death penalty by hanging was used mainly for crimes against property, primarily on perpetrators of theft and robberies. The bodies of the condemned were left on the pole until complete decomposition, as a warning to people against committing crimes. The second place of execution in Gdańsk was located at the Coal Market, opposite the Great Armory, where the entrance to the Wybrzeże Theatre is located. There was a gallows here, however, it had a simpler knee construction. It was above all a place of execution of the garrison soldiers condemned for desertion. Insubordination was punished by flogging. The Coal Market was also a place of executions by burning on stake of those who were convicted for alleged witchcraft. The last witch trial and execution in Gdańsk took place in 1659. At that time, Anna Kruger, an 88-year-old old woman, was condemned to death by burning. Because of her unusually old age, unheard of in those times, she fell victim to an irrational persecution. It is worth seeing the Coal Market in Gdańsk, as there are many valuable Gdańsk monuments in its immediate vicinity.